Monday, October 5, 2009

What kind of person would I be?

If I put off reading my Bible until later and later never came?

If I drifted off to sleep saying a prayer?

If I didn’t tell my neighbors about the Good News of Christ because they don’t speak the same language as me?

If I dropped my son off at See You At The Pole and sped away to an appointment instead of standing by his side and praying with him?

If I didn’t thank God for the countless prayers He’s answered?

If I didn’t remember daily that God sacrificed His Son for me?

If I had more eighties songs committed to memory than scripture?

If I became lax in the television programs I allowed my children to watch?

If I let the perfect opportunity to witness, get away?

If I didn’t give all He was encouraging me to give?

What kind of person would I be?

What kind of person are you?

1 comment:

Pmcd9 said...

I guess you'd be pretty typical. Are you worried you are not doing enough as a Christian?