Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My One Word

When I first saw a friend’s Facebook post on her “One Word” I had no idea what she was talking about so I did some investigation. Apparently this has been going on for several years without me knowing. Who knew! Being the bandwagon jumper that I am, of course I had to participate.

The premise of “One Word” is sort of like a New Year’s resolution. But unlike a laundry list of resolutions that are here and quickly forgotten, you choose one word to focus on all year long. What kind of word? A word that motivates you, a word you can strive toward, a word that gives you vision, a word that urges you on toward a specific goal. If you can’t think of one, ask God where He’s leading you and He will provide the word for you.


I chose a Bible verse to go along with my one word:
That is, that you and I may be mutually ENCOURAGED by each other’s faith. Romans 1:12

Why encourage? Because, I need encouragement every day to do what God has placed before me. I need encouragement:
1.     To study my Bible
2.     To be a good wife
3.     To raise my son
4.     In my writing life
5.     In leading FBC’s drama group
I need to encourage:
1.     My husband
2.     My children
3.     My sisters and brothers in Christ
4.     My pastors and church leaders
5.     My Christian writing community

The list could go on and on!

Lord, I pray that 2014 would be a year of encouragement. Let me be encouraged to do everything you would have me to do and give me the opportunity to be an encouragement to someone who needs it. Amen!


nettiefudgesworld said...

Perfect word! You've been an encourager to me since the day we met. Love ya & miss ya!

Annette O’Hare said...

Oh thank you so much Nettie-fudge! I can't tell you how much I miss you too. I hope you and the Mr. are having a great time. Love Ya!