Monday, August 3, 2009

The Man Behind The Words

I’ve heard people use the phrase, “touched by greatness.” After Thursday and Friday of last week I feel that the phrase could be applied to me.

Thursday night I was blessed to hear the great Cecil “Cec” Murphey speak to my writers group at Barnes And Noble in The Woodlands, Texas. Cecil is the author of 90 Minutes In Heaven,” a NYT bestseller for well over two years. Oh, and did I mention he’s also authored, co-authored and ghost-written over one hundred other novels? Cec spoke for only about twenty minutes before opening up the floor for questions from the audience. I wasn’t quick enough to ask my question before his time was cut off, but enjoyed hearing answers to everyone else’s questions.

Even thought Cec only talked for a short time I feel like I gleaned a wealth of information. A couple things Cec said to the writers group that stuck with me are:

Never stop learning to write

Write from your heart

Everything we write is autobiographical—we write from who we are

Learn to be okay with the way you are

Explore who you are as a writer and you will get more in touch with the Father.

“I would rather be disliked for who I am

than admired for who I’m not.” Cec Murphey

Friday night I attended Meet The Christian Authors Night (MTCAN) in the Woodlands. Forty-five Christian authors converged on WoodsEdge Church for a fantastic night of book signing, entertainment and cheesecake! The evening benefited the WoodsEdge Women’s Ministry to Single Moms.

I was blessed to have the opportunity to work Cec’s table at MTCAN. There I was with a multi-published author on the NYT bestseller list no less; my usual nervous self, fumbling to help this highly touted author. Cec however calmed my nerves immediately when he showed more concern about what I write and how he could advise me on my career than he was at selling his own books! Needless to say I was truly touched by this gifted, godly man.

I got tickled at Cec. He had graciously and eloquently spoken to several people in a row who had purchased his books and then leaned over to me and admitted he wasn’t very good at book signings! What a funny man.

Imagine the most energetic person you know and double it—that’s Cec Murphey. He claims to be able to finish most books in three to four months and I believe him. If you’ve never written a book then you have no idea how incredibly fast that is. My evening with Cec ended with him courteously thanking me for helping with his table and offering me a signed book from the ones left after the book signing. I’ll never forget my brush with fame when I was blessed to get to know the man behind the words…Cecil Murphey.


nettiefudgesworld said...

I'm so sorry I missed MTCAN. Sounds like you had a grand time with Cec and I'm certain he enjoyed his time with you. How could he help it. Love ya!!!

Unknown said...

I love that man! And I love YOU, too!