I’m not going to be like some authors, who shall remain nameless. I don’t want to gloat and carry on and make a big deal, but…GUESS WHAT? I GOT PUBLISHED! Okay, so I didn’t receive a publishing contract…or any money for that matter, but still, I GOT PUBLISHED! I received a really nice e-mail from Promotion Consultant, Debbie Sills, with the North American Mission Board stating (http://www.namb.net/), “we loved the drama and have uploaded it to our website.” She went on, “Thank you for sharing your talent through the drama. Many churches will benefit from your work.” What does this all mean? It means that my skit, “That’s Not Funny Annie” is now posted on the North American Mission Board’s http://www.anniearmstrong.com/ website, and…I GOT PUBLISHED!
Don’t get me wrong, I know who is really responsible for every good and perfect gift, and I;
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is GOOD; His love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34
P.S. If you would like to view the skit, go to the Annie Armstrong website above, put the cursor over “Promotion Resources”, scroll down and click “Drama Suggestions”. I’m the second drama listed on the page.
Don’t get me wrong, I know who is really responsible for every good and perfect gift, and I;
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is GOOD; His love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34
P.S. If you would like to view the skit, go to the Annie Armstrong website above, put the cursor over “Promotion Resources”, scroll down and click “Drama Suggestions”. I’m the second drama listed on the page.