In sickness and in health. I said that phrase twenty-four years ago. I said it, and I meant it. My vow was never put to the test though…my beloved never got sick. That was my job. After all, I’m the one with the chronic disease. Sure there’s been the occasional cold and flu, but never have I had to put my husband’s health in the hands of another. Until…
October 25, 2009 in the wee hours of the morning. My husband developed all the classic symptoms of appendicitis. We headed for the hospital. A CT scan confirmed our suspicions…a surgeon was called in. Our kids came in to see their dad before the surgery. It was hard for them to see their father like that. My parents graciously took them to eat; a nice distraction.
Eight hours later…the surgeon arrived. My husband and I passed the time that Sunday afternoon watching football games to take our minds off of his impending surgery. I cringed at the thought of him being put under. I didn’t know anything about this man who would cut into my best friend, and why was it taking so long for him to get there? And then he showed up; athletic and handsome, dressed in his Houston Texans shirt. He’d been at the game. My husband would later comment on his concerns that the surgeon could have been drinking. Thank God I didn’t think of that!
One hour and fifteen minutes. “…May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me." Ruth’s words in chapter 1, verse 17, uniquely describe the attitude of our twenty-four year marriage. We are BFF’s. For an hour and fifteen minutes I felt truly alone; even with my parents and two of my children by my side. That’s when God put His hand on my shoulder.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 Yes, I know Lord. I reached to put my hand to my shoulder when the doctor stepped into the waiting room.
Your husband did just fine. The words I’d waited to hear. Yes, it was a simple appendectomy, but to me it was a big deal. It was a measure of faith.
Thank you Father, for warning me what was to come with my husband’s health. Thank you for the surgeon who expertly performed the procedure. Thank you for the ER staff, the anesthesiologist, the funny medical student, the brilliant nursing staff. And thank you, Father for Your reassuring hand on my shoulder when I truly needed it.