Certain Hollywood movies have plot lines so confusing, judging committees give them awards just because they’re too embarrassed to admit they didn’t understand it either.
If left to his own devices, my husband would watch every sport available on television. And in the event there wasn’t even a soccer game scheduled, he would watch re-runs of classic Super Bowl games.
Catch phrases come and go. Last year it was, “paradigms are shifting.” This year it’s “not so much.”
If my children had grown up watching The Three Stooges, would they have turned out as brilliant as they are? Sure explains a lot about how I turned out.
Transformers II is one recent movie that doesn’t portray our military as a bunch of idiots. Thank you Michael Bay and Stephen Spielberg.
The church youth leader made the parents write letters every day to my kids while they’re away at camp. One day I got lazy and sent them a sheet of paper with a big “R” on it. It’s a letter right.
Most people know more about what’s going on with their Facebook friends than their own kids. (I sure hope I’m not one of them.)
People who have never tried to get a book published have absolutely no idea how hard it actually is to get a book published. If you are a person with little patience; don’t try to get a book published
All of my favorite John Wayne movies are not westerns. All of my favorite Larry McMurtry books are not westerns. I really don’t have anything against westerns, but strangely I don’t care for country and western music.
A marching band in a parade always makes me cry. A girl holding the American flag while riding a horse during the National Anthem before the rodeo makes me cry. My husband thinks I cry at very strange things.
It’s really hard for people to understand or even believe someone who says they have a disease that they can’t physically see with their own eyes. Would people try to understand diabetics better if they had big “D” shaped whelps on their bodies?
The Disney cartoon, Phineas and Ferb makes me laugh way more than most comedy shows designed for adults. And I’m not embarrassed when my kids watch it with me.
People who feel they have to write a book should put that idea aside and learn the craft of writing before writing a single word.
If left to his own devices, my husband would watch every sport available on television. And in the event there wasn’t even a soccer game scheduled, he would watch re-runs of classic Super Bowl games.
Catch phrases come and go. Last year it was, “paradigms are shifting.” This year it’s “not so much.”
If my children had grown up watching The Three Stooges, would they have turned out as brilliant as they are? Sure explains a lot about how I turned out.
Transformers II is one recent movie that doesn’t portray our military as a bunch of idiots. Thank you Michael Bay and Stephen Spielberg.
The church youth leader made the parents write letters every day to my kids while they’re away at camp. One day I got lazy and sent them a sheet of paper with a big “R” on it. It’s a letter right.
Most people know more about what’s going on with their Facebook friends than their own kids. (I sure hope I’m not one of them.)
People who have never tried to get a book published have absolutely no idea how hard it actually is to get a book published. If you are a person with little patience; don’t try to get a book published
All of my favorite John Wayne movies are not westerns. All of my favorite Larry McMurtry books are not westerns. I really don’t have anything against westerns, but strangely I don’t care for country and western music.
A marching band in a parade always makes me cry. A girl holding the American flag while riding a horse during the National Anthem before the rodeo makes me cry. My husband thinks I cry at very strange things.
It’s really hard for people to understand or even believe someone who says they have a disease that they can’t physically see with their own eyes. Would people try to understand diabetics better if they had big “D” shaped whelps on their bodies?
The Disney cartoon, Phineas and Ferb makes me laugh way more than most comedy shows designed for adults. And I’m not embarrassed when my kids watch it with me.
People who feel they have to write a book should put that idea aside and learn the craft of writing before writing a single word.